About 20 minutes into this 7 hour day a drizzle turned into a steady rain. So it goes something like this.
Stop and put on rain gear and continue. About 30 more minutes down the trail you are sweltering with 4 layers on. Then you pull over, peel off a layer and continue. Then the rain stops and you take off all your rain gear and continue. Then you get chilled when you break and put on another layer. Then it starts to rain again and it starts all over. A fun little game of musical clothes.
Even with the rain the views of massive mountains and huge rock faces are incredible. Ama Dablam (the mountain) is our constant guide today and is probably my favorite.
After stopping for tea and a 45 minute downhill we ended up at our tea house to a dinner of spaghetti and tea. The portions are truly massive and my guilt with leaving food uneaten is always there. I guess I'll have to ask for the kids portion.
I saw this and it made me double check your blog and facebook to see if you were alright. http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/15/world/asia/nepal-mountaineers-killed/index.html?hpt=hp_t2